Monday, November 1, 2010

"Little" nuclear troubles of Israeli people

We have got an answer from the Ministry of Public Security to our letter asking to stop criminal exposure to ionizing radiation, torture and terror against our family, what ever origin they are - the State's initiated (now we are sure!) social cleansing planned operation or dangerous game of organized criminals, owning the Police and other responsible authorities. The answer is really strange. From the office of the Ministry's Ombudsman comes the answer, that the matter of our letter is not connected with the field of their interests. Its cynical answer, because they are controlling Police and Prisons, including the Intelligence Division, etc. Their Ombudsman himself criticized work of covert units, acting against serious criminality and terrorism (7 September, 2010, "Yedioth Ahronoth", Hebrew), which were the base for organized at 1997 year subunit against international criminality. Really the subunit was aimed to counteract so called "Russian mafia" through control of whole community of repatriates from Former Soviet Union, covering it with surveillance groups. Our family got an experience, that these surveillance groups were equipped not only with monitoring devices, but with direct energy weapons (DEW), including ionizing radiation sources too, for torture and injure of targeted individuals, as we are. Everything checked up with professional Geiger-meters and electromagnetic-energy-meters; refusal to perform laboratory tests, proving absorbed radiation doses, documented.

The answer-letter is signed by higher officer of prisons system. Let us pay some attention to short information from central newspaper (14 October, 2010, Yedioth Ahronoth, Hebrew) about high level of dangerous electromagnetic radiation in the court-room of Tel-Aviv Court's building. The radiation penetrated to the court-room from basement's rooms, where prisoners and other detainees are kept. The latter were not convicted yet, but already suppressed by means of dangerous radiation. The radiation level measured, was four times higher, than max. permitted norm. Clearly, the same pattern is in other imprisonment places and this means, that prisoners are exposed to dangerous radiation (our previous blog-texts) for suppression purpose, as targeted individuals are, at their homes, converted to torture chambers by covert surveillance technologies. The Court is maybe the only public place in Israel, where law sometimes work and so the cases of prisoners' exposure to dangerous radiation are published. It was not the first publication about dangerous radiation in court's-room - the same occurred in one more, Bar-Sheba town's Court. We assume, that the higher prisons' officer, knows about usage of radiation for suppression of both, prisoners and targeted individuals. Collateral damage was caused to health of justice workers.

We are sure, that experts from the Ministry of Public Security did not see our letter at all, because they themselves are designers of the silent massacre occurring in the country and being accomplices of our family's executioners, will do nothing for conscience' sake. They think, that are able exterminate all external and internal enemies, but really are increasing hatred of the rest world and destroying country's own newborn nation. Using ionizing rays for people gonad sterilization, inducing cancers and other Silent Killer diseases, shortening life span of numerous (see mortality statistics) targeted citizens, particularly, of WW2 Holocaust survivors' descendants, country's responsible authorities are destroying the base of Holocaust born New Israel, opening its own, Silent Holocaust. Members of our family know, what the Holocaust of WW2 was, because we never saw our grandmas, grandpas, uncles and were grown up by mother's nurse, survivor of concentration camp Stutthof.

DEW operators were settled above our flat not to monitor activities of our family, but to cause mortal damage to health and to torture us. The reasons for making such conclusion are:
1. When we are active (day-time) and it is the time of monitoring interest, the operators are sleeping, no noise can be heard from their neighboring flat and no electromagnetic energy shows our measuring instrument. At nights, when it is our sleep-time, they begin their work, torturing us with DEW - deep penetrating into targeted organs rays, causing burning pain, injuring heart's tissues, causing dangerous tachy-arrhythmia, head ache, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hard sleep deprivation, etc. Members of Ethiopian community came to the country from hot African continent where people acquired the habit to work during the first half of the night, when its cool and to sleep at the day-time. The habit and time difference made an imprint into their genome (clock-genes), which differs from that of European descendants, as we are, determining our biological need to sleep whole night (see link: ). So the Police hired them only for methodical and brutal extermination of our family at nights, but not for discrete monitoring purpose.

2. The operators were equipped with ionizing rays sources, being the genocide weapon and multiple times used them at nights against members of our family. We proved it, using two advanced Geiger-meters, for gamma and alpha/beta radiation. The State's authorities refused to perform lab tests for absorbed, by our bodies and home's constructions, dose evaluation (the retrospective dose metering), in spite of the Ministry's of Public Security attorney recommendation. She recommended really important for our matter test, but even if we have got the numbers of absorbed radiation doses, it would not help us much. It is because already more than ten years three professional attorneys are trying to prove connection between absorbed doses and cancers of Dimona nuclear research center's workers and achieved positive results only for 6 cases from 37 - suffering humans with drastically shortened life span (28 October, 2010, Yedioth Ahronoth, Hebrew). Our condition is much worse, because we are forced to follow "Death Marching", deprived from any human rights, sentenced to be exterminated by Israeli fascist-like executioners, anxious to complete genocide of our family in Israel, begun at WW2 in the East Europe. This case must be brought to the court of really democratic country, but there is no democracy in Israel for its common people. (see our previous blog-texts).

We derived two conclusions, useful for readers' further reflections.
There is the first conclusion - Israel is not ready to activate proper treatment of exposed to ionizing radiation victims in spite of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) recommendations, when IAEC (Israeli Atomic Energy Commission) itself coordinates all country's bureaucracy to disturb investigation or court's trial processes, as we saw it in our family's and Dimona nuclear research center workers' cases. The question is, who will take care of much more victims, if a "dirty bomb" explodes in Israel, when specialists are replaced with bureaucrats.
The second one is - Israel easily takes decision to activate nuclear radiation sources, as non-lethal (?) DEW, and uses covertly, by trained surveillance operators, against its own citizens. Members of our family are victims of radiological terror and tortures, performed against normative citizens in Israel. We are threatened by responsible authorities, which openly denied to stop the criminal acts against us and thus proved, that disabled man, his wife and children are State's targeted individuals, extra-judicially sentenced to be exterminated. The question is, what for must somebody promise on oath his loyalty to democratic State Israel, if the democracy is only a word here.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Three weeks ago we sent by email a letter to the Ministry of Public Security addressed to both, its Public Relations Department and to its Ombudsman, asking them to stop torturing and terrorizing members of our family by neighboring surveillance group of the Police. We must notice, that the Ministry is controlling all Police's activities and their Ombudsman already criticized work of covert counter terror and counter criminality acting units (from current press). After some days have passed, we have got an anonymous phone call, which appeared as a "private" one, without any numbers on the display. Female's voice said, that she is from the Ministry, made a short interrogation, with relation to the content of our letter and promised to take care of our problem.

At 2006 year we have got the first and, it seems, the last answer from abroad authority to our letter sent by email. The letter was addressed to IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria), because of no generative answers from Israel's responsible authorities or their complete silence at all, to our complaint-letters about criminal exposures to ionizing radiation we have got from neighboring flat. The IAEA (Israel is its daughter-member) specialist recommended us a list of local authorities responsible for our case's investigation. We applied to them, but they do nothing to stop following usage of genocide weapon (checked up with professional Geiger's dosimeter) for criminal attacks against our family.

Later we understood, that in Israel nuclear radiation is one of legally permitted so called non-lethal weapons for surveillance operations against targeted individuals. According to our experience it is extrajudicial sentencing of innocent citizens to be erased for social, national or political plans of country's shadow-rulers. The usage of nuclear radiation against human being is all way illegal, according to international laws and so Israel is betraying the IAEA policy as a member of this organization, and is contradicting "the UN Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism in all its varieties and against its criminalization", signed on 28 December, 2006 by Ambassador Dan Gillerman. They put in the hands of notorious criminals, with habitual ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder) and inborn savagery, devices radiating gamma rays and sent them to perform genocide actions upon families of innocent people.

From the article in regional newspaper ("Mabat LeTsafon", 20 August,2010, page 16) we may see, that antisocial aggressive appearance is really habitual feature of most members of our town's patriarchal Ethiopian community (the operators originate from) - noisy meetings at nights depriving neighboring citizens of sleep, conflict with all local authorities, ignoring their regulations, performing illegal activities and so on. We see, that the article acknowledges prof.A.Ratner's (the criminality investigation center, the University of Haifa) conclusion about confrontational psychology of members of patriarchal communities, resulting with increased their criminality level and antisocial behavior. So, with no much effort the Police transformed the surveillance operators to dangerous for society killers, owning direct energy weapons (DEW) and supported by criminals of their community. Therefore the surveillance of our family turned into real permanent terror against us, threatening our lives, at home and out-of-doors.

In spite of given by the State licenses for ionizing sources usage as DEW, the operators of radiation devices, their commanders and supporters must be punished according to international law. The U.N. organization has to investigate if usage of well-known from WW2 time genocide weapon, as nuclear radiation device and radioactive materials are (human gonad sterilization, carcinogenic factor), in cases like ours one, broke the Article Two of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. Israeli responsible authorities understand, that preferable to solve our family's problem quickly as possible, before it reaches international level.

The first step must be immediate stop of torturing us, taking direct energy weapons away from neighboring surveillance unit, we asked from the Ministry of Public Security. Otherwise it will violate the UN CAT (Convention Against Torture) Article 2, if any measures to prevent torture will not be taken, because our daily and nightly suffering from coercion and aggression already leaded to hard violation of the Declaration of Human Rights, depriving us of political freedom in the country (

All that brutal murderer's intervention into our homes is done in the place of discrete and silent surveillance, aimed for gathering vitally needed information about terrorist or serious criminal activities. Nobody will believe, that in the little country with developed high technologies, where every square centimeter is under control, some uncontrolled "ghost" will use heavy nuclear devices for society's cleansing operations without permission of State's level authority. We are sure, that every our email, particularly directed overseas, is thoroughly checked up and stopped, if its content is connected with radiological terror against our family. The first reason for such conclusion is, that we did not get answer-messages from abroad to our emails touching above mentioned themas, for already four years (email from IAEA was the first and the last one). The second reason is, that Israel's intelligence services must have installed some mighty virtual device on Internet providers' level for tracking messages, using, for example, targeted names or key-words, as markers. U.S.A. installed such automated email intercept system, called "Carnivore" already ten years ago, which controls millions emails per second (, but we believe, that democratic U.S.A. aimed the system for counteracting terrorism and not for shutting down its people in torture chambers, for killing them silently, as Israel does.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Surveillance and Terror - they are dangerous our neighbors

The title resembles to you the most acute topics about Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but this time here are shown an every day episodes of totalitarian massacre occurring at homes of normative Israeli citizens.

More than ten years ago Israeli Police placed covert monitoring or surveillance unit in neighboring flat, above to ours one. The Police hired a family of well-known criminals (drug dealers) from Ethiopian community as operators of the unit. It was reasonable to assume, that the unit was aimed to stop increasing level of dangerous criminality (murders, drugs, possible contacts with terrorists, infiltrated from Ethiopia, Somali, Sudan, etc) occurring in the community. But after at every night we began to feel sensation of burning pain, scanning our bodies, disturbing sleep, exhausting health, arising dangerous heart's arrhythmia, we understood, that the monitoring operators are additionally equipped with DEW (Direct Energy Weapon), so called non-lethal weapon, for oppression of targeted individuals and are using it against our family. It is some paradox, that for fifteen years I used the direct energy in all its variety for diseases treatment and now my family is one of the victims of the same energies usage, in overdose mode, with intentional purpose (licensed by the State !) to injure innocent people, to destroy their health and lives.

Moreover, everyone of us several times during last ten years had a hard night event, which looked like acute poisoning or infection attack, but on the base of my medical experience we came to the conclusion, that members of our family were exposed to ionizing radiation and so have got acute radiation syndrome. We applied to the Police, but they do nothing and then we bought an expensive professional Geiger-meter with alarm-signal to protect ourselves from possible radiological attacks. In spite of the fact, that the Police knew about our consciousness what is the matter, their operators again exposed us to ionizing rays and only Geiger-meter's alarm-signal saved us from lethal dose absorbed. We again applied to the Police and higher responsible authorities of the country, but did not get neither answers, nor any help.

The operators, with their inborn cruelty, are following to torture us with DEW (injuring internal organs, causing chronic sleep deprivation, lowering ability to work and so on). They are acting openly, covered by the Police, as if we were sentenced legally to be exterminated in domestic torture chambers, by all responsible authorities involved, we in vain applied to, which are invested to work under law-and-order system of the country. There is no constitution and lack of democracy here, to seek protection and security, for people, which lost their relatives in Holocaust at WW2 and thus left alone to be finally executed in the modern killing machine of The Silent Holocaust in Israel.

After we complained to responsible authorities, that neighboring to our flat surveillance operators, hired by the Police, are torturing us by means of DEW including ionizing radiation and the torturers were not stopped, we began to perceive it as real terror. The State's counter-terror unit terrorizes our little family, using the weakest our hit point, that we can survive only in democratic society with its human rights, protected by law-and-order enforcement. Therefore we vote always for democracy and it is the only possible our determinant, as a reason for being picked out by rulers from already sailing Noah Arc. The reality is, that there must be a list (we are in) of citizens, planned to be exterminated, as expendables, unwanted or unusable for scheduled future of the country, with regime undoubtedly adverse totally to democracy we fight for.

They made us leave our home to find a quiet place to spend the night but all four tries (up to 50 miles away) failed, because the Police's operatives traced our new addresses at once and then operators followed to torture us arising acute burning pain sensation, depriving from sleep at nights, increasing blood pressure, heartbeat rate, evoking arrhythmia, headache, weakness, etc. So it was enough evidence for us to understand the threatening fact - we are pursued.

Then we tried to stop the operators via neighboring one floor under our flat, normative Ethiopian family. We explained to them, that they undoubtedly were exposed to same kinds of radiation, but lesser doses, than we have got. Their relative, an Ethiopian priest, tried as we think, to convince somebody to stop shaming their community inhuman acts and was shot down to death. His sister (the initiator of the try) had a weak heart and during one of serial night attacks upon members of our family (it was infra-sound, we assume), her's heart absorbed too much arrhythmia evoking radiation and she died. Both casualties were arranged as accidental. We took it as threatening our lives message from rulers of Ethiopian community - our deeply differing points of view on the cost of human's life. It made us feel ourselves entirely helpless here, surrounded by wild emptiness, named The Silent Holocaust, which swallows all civilized attempts to bring solutions democratic way, another than to kill - the latter is State's supported way.

It is the pattern of terror, which includes torture, permanent danger to be killed, pursuing, suffering from diseases induced by radiation, harassment, etc., all are aimed to destroy us and our little world. Additionally they organize vandalism acts against our property and psychological pressure at son's workplace, when early in the morning somebody says to him, that knows about son's sleepless nights (only operator or involved agent might know). Depriving our son of sleep, they are intentionally lowering his ability to mental work, leading to loss of the job - it is career sabotage, as a last step to make us outsiders of the society, keeping "silence of lambs". To the pattern belong refuse of both, to carry out retrospective biodosimetry tests and prophylactic medical treatment of our health's impairment after multiple oncogene radiological events, in spite of our letters to the Ministry of Health and family doctor's letters to other health authorities.

Medical advisers of the Police recommend, for performing torture and killings work, to train in operators character, resembling that of mission-oriented killers, which justify themselves that they are cleaning societal "garbage" (unwanted citizens) and generally do not become psychotic. But before hiring for operator's work members of patriarchal Ethiopian community, the Police must learn results of prof.Ratner's (the criminality investigation center of Haifa's university) research. Prof.Ratner and other authors write, that the main feature of the member of patriarchal community is confrontation and built-in aggressive, antisocial appearance. It means, that their criminals are potential patients with diagnose antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). We are witnesses, that being hired as operators of DEW, members of Ethiopian community quickly turn from their habitual ASPD to psychopaths, preoccupied with torture or even psychopaths torture-murderers, showing lack of guilt, not conforming to moral and legal norms. They are making themselves a charming persons, but are sterilizing gonads of their victims with ionizing rays like fascists. When torturing us by sleep deprivation at nights, evoking acute headache or heart's arrhythmia, we hear them right overhead joyfully springing. Clearly the Police created dangerous for people lives kind of operatives, being cases for prison-like psychiatry clinic only, but really are used for carrying out all "dirty", illegal Police's work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cancerous ionizing rays are permitted as non-lethal weapon for Police's covert operatives usage in Israel

The Silent Killer Diseases have their special etiology in Israel - systematical use of radiological weapon against innocent citizens by surveillance units of the Police. Operators of the units are hired from Ethiopian community and are well-known there as criminals, which before immigration must be trained in terrorist camps (see our previous blog-text) or were members of illegally acting renegade colonial militias, known for their extreme cruelty, violence, slaves trade, rapes, drugs, terror. This is the only possible explanation of their cool-heart professional approach to innocent people kill technology, targeting and watching-through-the walls devices for controlling their victims dying in torments,suffering from pain and weakness. Torturing and killing members of targeted families - children, old persons or suffering from chronic diseases disabled people at their own homes, sleeping in their beds - Ethiopian women-operators will do the same "dirty" work at hospitals, dressed for medical sisters and men-operators will use their skills being sent on a mission to the prison, illegally exposing to ionizing rays prisoners. Some members of Ethiopian community, living in our neighborhood, showed themselves ready to kill or destroy our lives, otherwise they would not agree to do this "dirty" work for Israeli Police or any other destructive (anti-democracy!) power in the country.

The operators are supplied with ionizing radiation devices and isotope dispersing technique, which both are genocide and carcinogenic weapons. Only deep racial (fascist-like) hatred made somebody in the Police to order and to cover society's cleansing from "unwanted" citizens, as they think our family is, using radiological weapon. It is extrajudicial punishment of innocent, normative citizens, an act, which may be present only in non-democratic countries with repressive regime. The fact is, that responsible authorities, we applied to already at 2006 year, did not stop radiological attacks against our family and we were again exposed to ionizing rays' night-blow at 2008 (checked up with Geiger-meter), including regular dispersions of radionuclide in our flat. The dispersions appeared as 30 - 40 micro-Roentgen/hour short continuous ionizing radiation bursts, additionally to 240 - 360 micro-Roentgen/hour pulsed gamma-radiation bursts, lasting 3 - 4 or more seconds, numerous times daily and nightly, from 2007 (or earlier) year to nowadays - the latter kind of radiation is generated by special devices, aimed to expose targeted individuals. Radioactive attacks resulted in simultaneous specific injure of the same organs, occurring to both, my wife and me.
The authorities did not need to find out from where the operators have got the gamma-rays device and isotopes, because radioactive materials are thoroughly controlled by the same authorities we applied to, so it is reasonable to conclude, that the authorities themselves gave permission for surveillance units to take isotopes and gamma-devices and use this, as they do with other kinds of so called non-lethal weapons. In other words, "Regulations File 6640", of January 13, 2008, pages 374, 375 (Web-site of the Ministry of Justice), which mentions, that information flow about non-lethal weapon's usage by surveillance units is restricted, really hides from the society the fact, that among other kinds of so called non-lethal direct energy weapons (DEW), the most dangerous genocide weapon's - ionizing radiation - usage, against targeted individuals and their families, is permitted in Israel.

When gamma-device is leveled on the sleeping target using watching-through-the walls equipment or isotopes dispersion is performed without explosives, then the victim is not able to understand, what is the matter and will not alert surrounding people or the Police, taking it as an event of hard poisoning only. The complete silence around DEW usage is the goal, which allowed for surveillance organizers to transform the monitoring units to execution or punishment ones. According to our family's experience as a victims' of multiple exposures to DEW, including ionizing rays, performed by neighboring surveillance operators, we can not agree, that those weapons are non-lethal ones. The executioners acting from neighboring to the target location are equipped with powerful stationary DEW or ADW (Active Denial Weapon), which may kill in a moment (apnea, heart failure,etc.), but the sudden death would disturb the silence (investigations, experts and so on) - the main condition and principle of "dirty" work. So they go according to another plan : firstly expose the target and members of his family to heavy ionizing radiation and this put the family in the vicious circle, of so called by medical sciences, "Silent Killer Diseases", such as heart diseases (arrhythmia, aneurysm, etc.), blood hypertension, diabetes, cancers and so on; Secondly, dispersing isotopes, using other kinds of DEW for torturing daily and nightly weakened by health hazards family, the executioners accelerate their victims' arrival to "natural" (silent) death.

It seems we are the only family which is witnessing to the rest world about all stages of how we are breathing out our lives, trying to show, that silent nuclear games, so popular in Israel, are not less dangerous for people survive, than nuclear bomb explosion. So it is not surprising, that cancer is the top cause of death in Israel, triggered by environmental, lifestyle or unknown causes (Israeli CBS - the central bureau of statistics, 2010). We are sure, that the latter cause and hereditary or acquired defective genes, both are mostly due to intensive work of surveillance units, exposing citizens to "non-lethal" radiation, as additional trigger of "Silent Killer Diseases", worsening mortality statistic in the country. Moreover, the WHO (world health organization) noticed, at first sight strange statistical fact, that "brain cancer is the only tumor type showing a greater relative risk for FSU (former soviet union) immigrants to Israel, than for both, other Israelis and population of the Russian Federation"; ( on print preview, portrait 5th page or landscape 8th page).

Our comments are connected with information, that so called immigrants from Russia (or repatriates from FSU) all are covered with Polices covert surveillance program (Arabic citizens are too, read our previous blogs), as people with different frames of mind, sentenced to be "standardized", by remote control technologies. It is clear, that surveillance operators were given instructions to watch and suppress (debilitate) an "unwanted", exposing their heads to ionizing rays and other kinds of DEW, as the operators do to members of our family. Again such exposures are leading to one of the most deadly disease - brain tumor - from the list of the "Silent Killer Diseases" and that explains above cited statistical fact of WHO. According to our ten years experience as targeted individuals (pattern of injured organs) and from WHO statistics about mortality rates caused by cancers in Israel, we made a conclusion, that the Police's medical advisers found out statistical gap, giving an opportunity to continue an exposure to ionizing rays and other kinds of DEW, repatriates from former Soviet Union. The operators, in spite of watching their targets - will follow killing them.

Medical advisers, working in the Department of Modern Technologies of the Police are teaching operative officers, what are the most sensitive hit points of our bodies, matching for effective torturing or silent killing of live targets, after months of suffering and torments. That is what they are doing to members of our family. It resembles us the motto of fascist dr.August Hirt (WW2) - torture is "medical research" and supplying concentration camps' experiments with this rational, he said : "these condemned men will at least make themselves useful"; (the theme titled "The Hidden Holocaust") The Police "made us useful" for multiple exposures to ionizing radiation, qualifying this powerful genocide weapon as routine "non-lethal" punishment instrument. Undoubtedly their medical advisers are familiar with dr.Horst Shumann's, from concentrations camp Auschwitz (WW2), humans sterilization experiments using X-ray radiation,
and they are familiar with worlds people opinion, reflected in UN Conventions, Declarations, about radiological genocide acts, nuclear terrorism in all its variability, what permits us to assume covert surveillance units as really mass scale radiological genocide actors, the Silent Holocaust masters in Israel.
According to Israeli CBS materials (the current Press, 2010) about the top of mortality rates, caused by cancers as if citizens all were survivors of nuclear radiation, because it is the only reason of prohibited access to retrospective biodosimetry tests, leaving covertly exposed victims deprived of their right to know, why they are dying so young and why they did not get special medical treatment or any other needed help.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In Israel the Police is responsible for supplying its surveillance operators with radiological weapon

From 1999 to 2008 year neighboring to our flat surveillance operator's family exposed us multiple times to gamma rays, using special device, supplied with, undoubtedly a legal way, because radiological equipment is thoroughly controlled by country's authorities. They burn their victims at nights, switching gamma-source on, when we fall asleep, leveling it with watch-through-the walls device like RadarVision 2i or other one, produced in Israel. When we bought sensitive gamma doze-meter the operators began to disperse radioactive isotopes through our opened windows, thinking that we will be unable to measure alpha or beta particles and to catch them performing against us and other innocent citizens a new kind of crime, qualified as the most dangerous terror act, aimed to contaminate the inhabited surrounding with carcinogenic radionuclide.

According to doze-meter's readings one and a half year was free of any criminal gamma radiations (except for torturing at nights with other techniques), but after that we noticed some short bursts of gamma, lasting three-four seconds with the rate less or more than three hundreds micro-roentgen/hr, appearing several times a month and longing already three and a half year (from 2007 to 2010). We registered and analyzed all the data and came to the conclusion, that the source of gamma-bursts is some radioactive nucleotide, a member of decay chain, additionally containing, as a daughter-member, iodine, because of specific damage to our thyroid glands and as alpha or beta particles emitting, other decay-members. The source is an artificial one and appearing surely not as radioactive iodine fallout after "nuclear test" in our street's region (?). We wrote to responsible authorities (two years ago) about suspected criminal dispersion of radionuclide in our surrounding, but did not get an answer. (See the list of all authorities we in vain applied to, during last ten years of our fighting for human rights, in our previous blog-texts).

The operators performing radiological terror, which is really genocide, cruelly torturing already hurt by radiation victims, using other kinds of direct energy weapons, must be trained from their youth, deprived of humanity or sentiments, which are replaced by cruelty and hatred to others. They are ready to kill, either for money or for their primitive rules. Israel's Police needs such kind of operators for the most "dirty" tasks and does not care from where the hirelings acquired their experience of terrorism. The answer is based on the fact, that the operators emigrated to Israel from Ethiopia, where between late 1970s and 2010 there is acting "abundance of religious and clan-affiliated regional terrorist groups" (from Wikipedia).The most violent terrorist organization in the region (before Al-Qaeda came and before our neighbors left Ethiopia to Israel) was Al-Shabaab ("The Youth"). Their leader Aden Hashi Farah "Ayro" payed salary of $70 a month to members, which had to learn jihad terror tactics course (Wikipedia). After the leader was killed, "Ayro" members and their hub-group Al-Ittihad Al-Islamiya (AIAI) obtained financial support from Al-Qaeda's network source Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation's branch in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) (

It is clear, that the basic aim of such jihad-groups is to infiltrate their members into U.S.A., Israel, European countries and to perform terror. As an example of failed try to activate Al-Qaeda's network in U.S.A., appeared in press at June,2004, mentioned, that an immigrant from Somali, which have attended terrorist training camps in Ethiopia, was stopped, plotting terror act in Ohio. For the purpose to paralyze the terror network's activity U.S.A. security forces searched among immigrants those, providing cash, material support to Al-Qaeda operatives and revealed the provider (
So from one side we see, that Ethiopia is deeply involved in terror groups', including Al-Qaeda, activities in the country. From the other side is well-known fact, that some 20 000 to 25 000 Ethiopians are illegally trafficked to various countries annually, using various tricks (

All this let us assume and answer the question from where our neighboring surveillance operatives have got such extreme, inhuman cruelty and from where they have got an experience to manage radioactive materials for their terror acts against our family or other innocent citizens. Undoubtedly the head of operators' family attended terrorist training in special "Ayro" or similar camp and did that for salary. We write, undoubtedly, because if he was not trained as terrorist in Ethiopia, it means, that he was trained in Israel, but it is the same, as if Israel itself is preparing to kill innocent citizens or to transform own country's people to world's genetic garbage, using radionuclide dispersion and gamma-source for irradiation. We choose the first possibility of two ones - they came from Ethiopia, already prepared to kill and to destroy, targeting our family for tortures, terror and for our lives destruction. It is possible, that into Israel infiltrated more trained for terror immigrants from Ethiopia, Somalia or Sudan and our neighboring torturer met old colleagues, that renewed his financing channels from Addis Ababa (Al-Qaeda's source). It means (as a criterion of support presence), that in spite of stopping terror against our family, they will follow it and even increase, using earned negative image and publicity as a report to their abroad chiefs, about perfectly performed killing of disabled man and his family.

Israeli security services must keep track of our neighboring surveillance unit's activities, find out, particularly, who is their provider of radioisotopes and gamma-rays device. The source may be hospital or industrial workplaces of our region, where even office-cleaner may be involved. What are their legal or illegal getting money sources, which enable terror maintenance (after U.S.A. experience of counter-terror investigation among immigrants from North-West Africa)?
We still can not understand, why the Police is hiring and covering so dangerous for states security operators, supplying them with, really lethal in their hands, direct energy weapons (DEW) and with targeting through-the walls-device or technique.
The radiological terror fact and place may be precisely proved by means of mentioned in our previous blog-texts laboratory tests. To obtain the tests officially will take years and they are too much expensive for our family's private initiative. Moreover, every day and night the operators are torturing and terrorizing members of our family, destroying our healths and lives. Is anywhere a power able to free our family from real concentration camp in Israel, where democracy and human rights does not work?
Nothing more left off to us, than to follow the battle against The Silent Holocaust in Israel and its modernized concentration camps.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anti-terror units participate in democracy overthrow plot in Israel

When the Social Housing Company, without our agreement, placed in the flat above to ours one, the family trained by the Police as surveillance operators and they multiple times exposed us to ionizing radiation (caught with Geiger-meters), cruelly torturing daily and nightly with sharp pain evoking and damaging internal organs rays (DEW - Direct Energy Weapon), using techniques suppressing our mental abilities, we sent complaint-letters to all responsible authorities from lower to higher their hierarchy levels.Routinely our letter is readdressed from higher authority (Members of Parliament - Knesset) to lower one (executive departments of Ministries), which consequently blocks further processing of our matter, leaving us without any protection promised by democratic law and order. Torturing and terrorizing of our family turned to reality-show - criminal and illegal, in fact, attacks upon normative citizens, by surveillance operators, provided with a license and full covering from the Police.
Thinking about reasons why it happens to us and what worth we are for wasting so expensive measures, suppressing lives of people being neither terrorists nor dangerous criminals, we defined one general feature of our offenders - they are counter-democratic political force in the country, systematically destroying carriers of democracy in all State's structures, replacing them with own staff, capturing one town after another.
Their aim is usurpation of governing positions in the country, using democracy as a shield of non-democratic elections, when electorate (social citizens, pensioners and other "unwanted'' voters) are subject to mind-control techniques and political leaders are eliminated by exposure to DEW (cancers, strokes and so on), using surveillance operators. We wrote in previous blog-texts, that well-known members of the Parliament (Knesset) asked to carry out radiation measurements at their work places, because they are worried about increased sick rate with cancers.
To achieve its purposes the anti-democratic movement had to entertain following steps :
1. Engage their supporters into Police's operative departments fighting against terror and organized criminality.
2. Prepare country's society (defamation, propaganda-work) and incline the Government, that "Russian" (mafia - myth !) and Arab (contacts with terrorists ?) citizens are dangerous for Israel's national security. In consequence the Government must be convinced to authorize the Police with exclusive right and absolute power urgently organize surveillance (monitoring) units, supposed to control terror and hard criminality, but really aimed by anti-democratic force for illegal suppression of normative citizens, voting for democratic world outlook or confessing different religion (Christian or Muslim).
3. Disconnect and alienate Government from country's citizens so, that complaints about dangerous totalitarian changes in society's life would not be repaired by ruling democratic coalition. It must be achieved by employment of anti-democratic movement's members at work-places of ministries, law-and-order institutions, municipalities, other authorities, all responsible for operative solutions and public relations, but really performing sabotage of people complaints' processing, especially if the complaint was readdressed either from Government's, Ombudsman's, lawyer's offices, or from other guards of Human Rights in the country (facts from our family's experience).
4. Additionally to people complaints' sabotage task, anti-democratic group of the Building Ministry and its Social Housing Company had to provide easy approach of equipped with DEW surveillance operatives to "unwanted" population, lodging them in neighborhood to their targets, one flat above the other, in chess-board order. Neighboring families must be from different ethnic or racial communities, with different education levels, intentionally planned to conflict each with other, kindling hatred between them, all this to convince easier the operator use really dangerous electronic weapons or ionizing radiation against members of neighboring family.
5. Mobilize members of Ethiopian community to serve for anti-democratic movement, because their community's patriarchal structure, owning slaves brought to Israel from Ethiopia, conflicting character and inborn cruelty makes them natural enemies of democracy. It means, that they are an ideal manpower for illegal and criminal activities, such as political and racial cleansing, torturing and terrorizing of targeted neighboring families, as the task, fulfilled by Ethiopian operators of surveillance units, used by rebels to destroy progressive ruling system in the country.
Bring from Ethiopia additional thousands of supporters, being naturally anti-democratic electoral power and direct them live in the towns, where it is needed to get superiority in number of voters, to win elections against democratic rulers.
At the same time, manpower of authorities supporting anti-democratic movement must put obstacles in the way of Russian language speaking repatriates - deprive of elementary Human Rights as leaving without Police's any protection, activate bureaucratic approach to their problems' solution, sabotage employment according to education level and so on. All this is aimed to decrease their repatriation rates and oppose their community to ruling government, being really paralyzed and incapable to change the situation (see point 3).
Comments at all those points are following:
It is clear, that if our conclusions, based on experience and observations, are right, so on the first stage of the revolt, this political force had to inculcate their personnel into Police's investigations and operative special departments, particularly those, which are planned to command surveillance groups with DEW equipment.
Our family's case proves, that the process is already fulfilled, at least in our town, as a model of all stages of overthrowing democracy done - some anti-democratic force, violating Human Rights, overriding the State's and the Police's legal instructions, directs against us illegal actions of multiple exposures to ionizing radiation and other DEW by trained operatives of local Police's surveillance group.
All this happens in the town, where we are "unwanted" voters at municipal or general elections, always voting for democracy and its carriers, in the light, that present town's rulers are responsible for extremely anti-democratic methods of suppression we experience here. They are intensifying attacks during elections company and at night before voting. This undoubtedly contributes in low attendance of ''unwanted" voters.
The Police never answered with investigation to our complaints and never prevent from their operatives following to torture us with DEW, in spite of precise expert level tests available in country's labs, for irradiation place and dose prove, but all ways of getting the tests are blocked for us.
So members of our family are intentionally exposed to killing us radiation, because our blog and complaints are breaking the main principle covering the Silent Holocaust - silence of going to death human beings, not lambs. Cruelty of the Police's operatives, torturing us with modern remote-control and DEW techniques, makes to think, that those methods of people suppression, surely spread in whole country and named in WEB the Silent Holocaust, in Israel will be called the Police's Junta, as a kind of modern military junta, using fascist methods and lethal weapons against innocent citizens, step by step replacing democracy totally.
Thirteen years ago (15 years ago Premier Minister I.Rabin was assassinated) the Police was authorized by Government to arise surveillance units for covert monitoring of targeted citizens groups to prevent terror acts and organized criminality. Nowadays journalists write, that urgency of need to create such monitoring units was exaggerated, and fear in governing circles that Russian "mafia" is going to capture ruling power over the country, was called hysterical fear and myth. Even at present are heard echoes of those defamatory mass media attacks against repatriates from East Europa (named Russian community), as if they were criminals all - nonsense!
Today it is clear, that some political power in the country is interested to convince Government to begin suppression company against Russian community. In any case, Government had not a timeout to think about who is who and about enough effective control of surveillance operations to protect society of hard Human Rights violations, as it occurred in other countries (see President Obama's speech of his First 100 Days) and with our family here.
Obviously, all this entertainment looks like a successful plot, with the Police involved, aimed to enforce counter-democratic movement in the country. So we declare the fact, that the Police is performing surveillance through whole sector of repatriates from East Europa to penetrate our frames of mind and illegally using DEW to block our brains, injure bodies, after monitoring data show, which is "unwanted".
Newspapers write (MIG, October 15, 2009), that another secret surveillance division does Arab sector's monitoring, for making clear their tempers and for intelligence services, as General Inspector of the Police Mr. David Cohen says. No doubt, that surveillance is installed in Arab community's sector, because their possible contacts with Palestinians, but then for the same reason, the surveillance must be activated over whole Israeli people, because Palestinians legally and illegally work as builders for non-Arab employers everywhere in the country.
It is well-known, that for some kinds of operations the Police is provided with right to keep secrecy ('the state of exception'), when its actions must override society's common rules and restriction limits. This time, without control and covered by documents, as articles of "Regulations File 6640", pages 374, 375, restricting information flow about surveillance units and their equipment (published in web-site of the Ministry of Justice), the Police is making (intentionally!) two hard infringements:
The first - started to fulfill an anti-democratic third task of surveillance units - monitoring every day's lives of innocent citizens, which are not connected neither with terror, nor with criminality. H.Brabazon (York University, Canada; see link: Protecting Whose Security?: Anti-Terrorism Legislation and the Criminalization of Dissent) writes : "anti-terrorism legislation is designed directly to criminalize dissent" and so justify use of coercive force against innocent normative citizens.
The second - equipped the surveillance operators with heavy modern weapons (DEW, ionizing rays machinery), which they are using illegally against innocent neighboring families (facts from our life).
From our experience we are sure, that function of surveillance, free of weapons, must be strictly separated from attacking (suppression) with DEW function, though usually both are performed by the same monitoring team - often for surveillance are hired criminals, which after they were equipped with weapons, became real licensed killers (our neighbors).
During last five years we wrote our letters to responsible authorities, from peripheral to central levels, asking for Police's and obligatory medical investigation of our case, after being multiple times cruelly exposed to ionizing radiation by neighboring, so called, anti-terror surveillance unit. If an authority did not disregard to answer, our letter and the reply, never seen by their specialist, usually were processed by clerk or official (sometimes their advocate), being out of the matter, addressed to us from public relations department.
Replies showed, that no authority is ready to take responsibility of radiological accident case, occurred in this country, violating all possible principles of democracy, as an example of inhuman ill-treatment by totalitarian bureaucracy. In the light, that Israel is well known as the country with high-tech's and developed medical sciences, we have no doubt, that needed for our case's investigation lab. tests are available here.
Our letters sent to Members of the Parliament (Knesset) or Government's Ministers were readdressed to the same responsible authorities - the Environmental Ministry, the Health Ministry, the Police - which again refused investigate our case, it means refused to fulfill request of country's representative persons.
So we find out, that the officialdom of authorities stands between such commoners as we are and society's representatives, as Parliament-Government are, separating both levels as if they do not exist for each other at all. Statistics about left without any solution complaints' increasing rate, published recently in newspapers, proves, that anti-democratic power succeed to disconnect people from their representatives.
Some Ministers of Government realize partly the situation, preparing legislative regulations aimed to diminish obstructive influence of officialdom (clerks, officials) on creative activities of ministers. The initiative is named "Railing Laws". The Minister Michael Eytan is managing the "Unit of Available Government" (supported by Ombudsman) with, still symbolic, financing for carrying out public projects, helping people directly, without bureaucracy.
Those initiatives show, that Government is conscious of its paralyzing disconnection from the society and is trying to find out legislative or financial treatment ways, passing over (or roundabout way) the obstacle, because it is impossible simply replace not matching administrative workers. The reason of this fact is, that they are not routine bureaucrats, but fighting at their work places division of anti-democratic political power, which is the silent ruler of country's society and owner of its people lives, as it occurs in modern Nazi-like (neo-Nazi) totalitarian regimes, hiding themselves under democracy shield.
You are free here to express loudly your ideology, which differs from current one or simply be "unwanted" voter, but you must be sure, when your turn comes, from neighboring flat, some surveillance operator will expose you and members of your family to ionizing rays, deadly silent rays, in accordance with methods, developed in concentration camp Auschwitz at WW2: Nazi human experimentation.
That is what we experience for last ten years and rejection of our request to stop radiological terror against us mean, that shadow- governors are following to use ionizing rays and DEW in Police's organized "surveillance" operations against other innocent citizens, too.
At the same time, Government, totally deprived of capability to liberate their imprisoned people, is busy with fulfilling functions left - foreign policy, Palestinians and legislature for its own purposes, because all other laws, as protecting human rights or laws, helping people to solve problems do not work in Israel's society, being additional prove of totalitarian character of the country's regime. It is also a prove, that creation (for the Police) 'the state of exception', aimed to fight terror, really "is marked by gradual erosion of democratic and legislative powers" (Agamben, 2005, cited from H.Brabazon work; see link).
The anti-democratic movement in Israel is largely supported by SOCIAL HOUSING COMPANIES, using citizens' lodging strategy, when according to it neighboring families deeply differ each from the other by life styles, tempers, traditions, education levels, believe, biological rhythms, shifting their day activities to night hours and so on. Because of poor insulation between flats, noisy families are destroying life of their quiet neighbors and the latter are complaining to the Police or other responsible authority, which both routinely do nothing to stop conflicts, obviously according to plans of anti-democratic power, projecting for its special purposes to arise and exploit hatred among people.
It is clear too, that anti-democrats distinguished two main opposite groups of fighting in neighboring wars citizens - the members of the first group are from Ethiopian and Moroccan communities, the members of the other one are from East European communities (new repatriates from Russia, Ukraine and others). Members of the first group were chosen as matching to be surveillance and DEW operators, activated to spy and punish neighbors, qualified as "unwanted" persons, exposing the latter and members of their families to dangerous rays (including ionizing ones).
The method of effective using civil manpower, as means of checking "infidels", "unbelievers", living in neighborhood, is not new one. In Spain from 15th century the Inquisition began to torture and burn in the fire, sentenced "infidels and heretics". The execution was done most often publicly, because religion serves as legitimizing force and provides acceptable moral justification of those cruel acts, being in direct response to some sacred texts or appeal of well-known religious leaders.
Nowadays in Israel, our family witnesses, that the Police's surveillance operators (contemporary Inquisition), with extreme cruelty, are executing their neighboring targets, using ionizing radiation source, which is burning live flesh to death, evoking cancers, sterilization of fertility organs, life span shortening, etc. The operators, after the execution act, are following to watch lives, flowing slowly away from their suffering victims, sadistically torturing them with other kinds of DEW, evoking pain, sleep deprivation, exacerbation of chronic diseases and so on.
The operations are hidden of society's eyes, so are clearly illegal, anti-democratic, breaking human rights and looking like racial cleansing through whole society, surprisingly occurring in multi-ethnic, Holocaust born country. It must be very specific mechanism of moral justification for such violence, obviously serving only for authoritarian, Nazi-like political power, which succeed to paralyze Government's ability of counter-action and now is successfully replacing ruling democracy in Israel.
According to its appearance as authoritarian political power is, licensed with absolute right to judge other people lives, it must be the carrier of supremacy's ideology, which in multi-ethnic Israel can originate itself only from land's history and the ancient Holy Books. For example, Deuteronomy (7:16), gives moral justification to kill, which clearly was accepted, because naked hatred is not enough to build an ideology for realization ruling system's overthrowing, longing more than one decade years.
So we obtain here the most possible mechanism of violence sanctioning, tied historically with multiple times used force and plots to assume indivisible right to be owner of "Promised Land", by proclaiming itself single race of supreme "Chosen People" - religious imperatives, transformed into political ideology, give needed license to kill members of other communities and people of other believes. Now this political power is overthrowing the present democratic ruling system, getting rid of "race traitors" and "infidels", for nation's "purification", planning to return contemporary Israel to laws of Bible's times.
Most likely, that for plotting revolt in Israel, anti-democrats are using ideology, slightly differing from similar one, tried once to overthrow USA Government. At 1984 year it was an unsuccessful try to overthrow Federal Government of USA (Bruce Hoffman, 'Holy Terror'; from WEB) and at 2008 plotted to assassinate Obama (WEB sites) by religious political force (the Aryan Nation), proclaiming its genetic ties with ancient Israel and basing on known Bible's texts supreme race's ideology, authorizing believers to kill other people. They are hating Semites and African races.
The Israeli anti-democracy plotters are their anti-pod haters - they hate non-Semitic people and are more pragmatic users of Ethiopian community, as electoral power and for dangerous illegal acts. It does not hurt Ethiopian dignity, because they themselves are anti-democrats. Attacking our family neighboring surveillance operators from Ethiopian community are perfect thread leading to roots of anti-democratic power, being illegal shadow-governor of society's life in the country. The investigation might be the chosen task for SHABAK - analogous to FBI in the USA.
According to R.Simon's classification (cited from H.Brabazon work; see link), we conclude, that Israeli anti-democrats are waging 'war of position', based on diffused power among a range of opposing allied groups and expanding the power gradually. This strategy of war showed itself as more successful, than that of 'the Aryan Nation's' (in spite of similar ideologies), named 'war of movement' and based on power concentration at a moment, single strike, looking like planned terror act, but not as overthrowing governments revolt.
The overthrow democracy plot succeeded in Israel for one more reason - country's and world's attention is entirely attracted to exhausting powers conflict with Palestinians, which shaded other crucial problems of society. For the same reason, fragile democracy was overthrown in Turkey, when the changes in political powers' balance were lost at the background of permanent conflict with Kurds.
To make all advantages of the 'war of position' strategy plan work correctly in Israel, anti-democrats invested following successful moves :
a) engaged the Police's anti-terrorism department and its, left uncontrolled by Government, surveillance units to collaborate with anti-democratic force,
b) hired manpower from Ethiopian community, trained for covert and illegal surveillance operations, ready to kill, because of their inborn cruelty and lack of any psychological barriers for using violence against innocent people (disabled man, child, etc.), particularly from other races,
c) replaced officials of departments, responsible for public relations work (people complaints' processing) in all authorities, with anti-democratic force's supporters, for sabotage Government's efforts to understand, what kind of the monster is threatening country's people and, on the other side, for making people suffer violence silently, because the silence of society guarantees a victory for any authoritarian force.
Eric Foner (2001) wrote in 'The Nation' on 19 September 2001, that "self-imposed silence is debilitating to democracy as censorship" (cited from H.Brabazon work; see link).
Members of our family are trying to brake the silence and it is the reason why we are pursued, systematically tortured, exposed to ionizing rays, according to their plan of killing us with cancers and other hard health damages. Our family's case is real criterion or prove, that in Israel is ruling Nazi-like regime, successfully hiding itself under democracy's shield. The paper-shield and danger is all, what left from the overthrown democracy for Israeli people and for the rest world.
Experts say, that Governments must be enough sensitive to people complaints about escalated level of violence, particularly using States' controlled, mass affecting dangerous equipment (DEW, ionizing sources, etc.) and materials, because that may be elements of ruling system's overthrowing pattern.
Governments must establish strict and effective control of secret surveillance operations, when carried out with mixed, monitoring and attack functions, because even using so called non-lethal DEW equipment, which really is lethal one, for it is used prolonged time or combined with other kind of DEW, then in the State's name are killed both - citizens and democracy.
The Human Rights protection must be enforced by democratic State's power itself (law, financing), because such powerful anti-democratic weapon as total surveillance of country's people is, gives for any plotters an opportunity silently subjugate nation and then overthrow democratic ruling system, we experienced in Israel.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Israel unwanted citizens are erased using WW2 Holocaust methods

Yesterday was the International Day of WW2 Holocaust Victims' Memory, coincident with Auschwitz-Birkenau camp's liberation day. To this date is devoted new documentary film of Menahem Adar "Neighbors and Killers", telling about WW2 Holocaust victims of a little town Bolehovo (Ukraine), killed by their neighbors-fascists, as it was done in many other towns of other countries. But members of our family were deeply shocked after experienced, that here in Israel against us are used genocide methods from Auschwitz concentration camp (ionizing radiation) by trained and brought to our neighborhood, the Police's controlled, operatives family (read more from our blog "The Silent Holocaust...", December 2009). They are torturing us daily and nigtly with pain evoking and damaging internal organs (especially, brains for debilitation and gonads for sterilization) waves, combined with attacks of hard exposures to ionizing radiation. The State's responsible authorities are keeping silence, blocking our attempts to get laboratory tests for radiation dose retrospective assessment and to stop this shameful, for the Holocaust born State (Israel), inhuman aggression against its normative people.
The Police achieved needed cruelty of their operatives hiring them from Ethiopian community, because they are familiar with public tortures and killings in Ethiopia, ordered by the ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam, which was endly (at 2006) convicted guilty of genocide of thousends innocent people. Maybe somebody will think that attacks against us are based only on racialism, but we feel here more State's policy intentions, related to our different world's outlook and atheism - such families are "cleaned" in Israel, using modernized fascistic methods of WW2 Holocaust. WW2 massacre done by the principle "neighbors-killers", showed in above mentioned film, in Israel perfectly works as a method at our home, transformed by the State's authorities into torturing chambers. We believe that our combat for realization Human Rights in this country will lead our family's torturers and executors to the court.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Supreme Court President's Chambers Answer

We have got an answer from The Supreme Court President's Chambers to our letter we asked for an urgent solution able to stop daily and nightly torturing us surveillance group, using DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) and "covered" by all responsible State's authorities we applied to. The answer is - The President is not authorized to interfere, because it does not meet Her's, as a Justice, duties and we have to bring our case to the court according to the order defined by laws.
1. It is clear that longing years, court's process is possible for our family only after surveillance group's dangerous activity against us will be stopped, because the way they are using so called by authorities non-lethal weapon is really transforming it to lethal one. The targeted person is overexposed by using powerful radiation source much longer time than it is needed, for example, to awake the victim for sleep deprivation torture (burning pain) and so it may be lethal, if exposed person has a weak heart, pacemaker, blood coagulation disturbances, high blood pressure and so on - we saw that in our neighborhood and experienced all ourselves. Now we are sure, that the operators have an access to our medical records and are doing their deadly job using weak points of target's health. For choosing optimal to their purposes (to kill or injure) time, they are non-stop controlling our life, in and out of dwelling. Moreover, to make the exposures maximum harmful, the operators are combining DEW with high intensity electromagnetic fields - measuring with Trifield Broadband Meter we found out, that in our flat is present magnetic field from 10 to 50 times (20-100 milligauss) stronger, than norm (2 milligauss). Additionally, licenzed acoustical engineer found out permanent low frequency sound (whistle), for years exhausting our brains. The Environmental Ministry did not answer.
2. We are informed about several years ago brought to the court case, similar to our's one, of radiation workers at Israel's nuclear research facilities, suffering from hard health damage from exposure to ionizing rays and chemicals, seeking compensation - 43 seekers for two skilled attorneys. The trial discovered lack of clear procedural rules, tactics of responsible authorities to slow down or delay the process, using regulations, forbidding access to needed information and, it seems, this is featuring every case, where the State is the respondent. It almost annihilates chances of our family to start the process suggested by The Supreme Court on the base of our financial sources, which are insufficient for getting experienced attorneys and for performing needed retrospective biodosimetry tests abroad: