Friday, October 22, 2010


Three weeks ago we sent by email a letter to the Ministry of Public Security addressed to both, its Public Relations Department and to its Ombudsman, asking them to stop torturing and terrorizing members of our family by neighboring surveillance group of the Police. We must notice, that the Ministry is controlling all Police's activities and their Ombudsman already criticized work of covert counter terror and counter criminality acting units (from current press). After some days have passed, we have got an anonymous phone call, which appeared as a "private" one, without any numbers on the display. Female's voice said, that she is from the Ministry, made a short interrogation, with relation to the content of our letter and promised to take care of our problem.

At 2006 year we have got the first and, it seems, the last answer from abroad authority to our letter sent by email. The letter was addressed to IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria), because of no generative answers from Israel's responsible authorities or their complete silence at all, to our complaint-letters about criminal exposures to ionizing radiation we have got from neighboring flat. The IAEA (Israel is its daughter-member) specialist recommended us a list of local authorities responsible for our case's investigation. We applied to them, but they do nothing to stop following usage of genocide weapon (checked up with professional Geiger's dosimeter) for criminal attacks against our family.

Later we understood, that in Israel nuclear radiation is one of legally permitted so called non-lethal weapons for surveillance operations against targeted individuals. According to our experience it is extrajudicial sentencing of innocent citizens to be erased for social, national or political plans of country's shadow-rulers. The usage of nuclear radiation against human being is all way illegal, according to international laws and so Israel is betraying the IAEA policy as a member of this organization, and is contradicting "the UN Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism in all its varieties and against its criminalization", signed on 28 December, 2006 by Ambassador Dan Gillerman. They put in the hands of notorious criminals, with habitual ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder) and inborn savagery, devices radiating gamma rays and sent them to perform genocide actions upon families of innocent people.

From the article in regional newspaper ("Mabat LeTsafon", 20 August,2010, page 16) we may see, that antisocial aggressive appearance is really habitual feature of most members of our town's patriarchal Ethiopian community (the operators originate from) - noisy meetings at nights depriving neighboring citizens of sleep, conflict with all local authorities, ignoring their regulations, performing illegal activities and so on. We see, that the article acknowledges prof.A.Ratner's (the criminality investigation center, the University of Haifa) conclusion about confrontational psychology of members of patriarchal communities, resulting with increased their criminality level and antisocial behavior. So, with no much effort the Police transformed the surveillance operators to dangerous for society killers, owning direct energy weapons (DEW) and supported by criminals of their community. Therefore the surveillance of our family turned into real permanent terror against us, threatening our lives, at home and out-of-doors.

In spite of given by the State licenses for ionizing sources usage as DEW, the operators of radiation devices, their commanders and supporters must be punished according to international law. The U.N. organization has to investigate if usage of well-known from WW2 time genocide weapon, as nuclear radiation device and radioactive materials are (human gonad sterilization, carcinogenic factor), in cases like ours one, broke the Article Two of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. Israeli responsible authorities understand, that preferable to solve our family's problem quickly as possible, before it reaches international level.

The first step must be immediate stop of torturing us, taking direct energy weapons away from neighboring surveillance unit, we asked from the Ministry of Public Security. Otherwise it will violate the UN CAT (Convention Against Torture) Article 2, if any measures to prevent torture will not be taken, because our daily and nightly suffering from coercion and aggression already leaded to hard violation of the Declaration of Human Rights, depriving us of political freedom in the country (

All that brutal murderer's intervention into our homes is done in the place of discrete and silent surveillance, aimed for gathering vitally needed information about terrorist or serious criminal activities. Nobody will believe, that in the little country with developed high technologies, where every square centimeter is under control, some uncontrolled "ghost" will use heavy nuclear devices for society's cleansing operations without permission of State's level authority. We are sure, that every our email, particularly directed overseas, is thoroughly checked up and stopped, if its content is connected with radiological terror against our family. The first reason for such conclusion is, that we did not get answer-messages from abroad to our emails touching above mentioned themas, for already four years (email from IAEA was the first and the last one). The second reason is, that Israel's intelligence services must have installed some mighty virtual device on Internet providers' level for tracking messages, using, for example, targeted names or key-words, as markers. U.S.A. installed such automated email intercept system, called "Carnivore" already ten years ago, which controls millions emails per second (, but we believe, that democratic U.S.A. aimed the system for counteracting terrorism and not for shutting down its people in torture chambers, for killing them silently, as Israel does.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Surveillance and Terror - they are dangerous our neighbors

The title resembles to you the most acute topics about Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but this time here are shown an every day episodes of totalitarian massacre occurring at homes of normative Israeli citizens.

More than ten years ago Israeli Police placed covert monitoring or surveillance unit in neighboring flat, above to ours one. The Police hired a family of well-known criminals (drug dealers) from Ethiopian community as operators of the unit. It was reasonable to assume, that the unit was aimed to stop increasing level of dangerous criminality (murders, drugs, possible contacts with terrorists, infiltrated from Ethiopia, Somali, Sudan, etc) occurring in the community. But after at every night we began to feel sensation of burning pain, scanning our bodies, disturbing sleep, exhausting health, arising dangerous heart's arrhythmia, we understood, that the monitoring operators are additionally equipped with DEW (Direct Energy Weapon), so called non-lethal weapon, for oppression of targeted individuals and are using it against our family. It is some paradox, that for fifteen years I used the direct energy in all its variety for diseases treatment and now my family is one of the victims of the same energies usage, in overdose mode, with intentional purpose (licensed by the State !) to injure innocent people, to destroy their health and lives.

Moreover, everyone of us several times during last ten years had a hard night event, which looked like acute poisoning or infection attack, but on the base of my medical experience we came to the conclusion, that members of our family were exposed to ionizing radiation and so have got acute radiation syndrome. We applied to the Police, but they do nothing and then we bought an expensive professional Geiger-meter with alarm-signal to protect ourselves from possible radiological attacks. In spite of the fact, that the Police knew about our consciousness what is the matter, their operators again exposed us to ionizing rays and only Geiger-meter's alarm-signal saved us from lethal dose absorbed. We again applied to the Police and higher responsible authorities of the country, but did not get neither answers, nor any help.

The operators, with their inborn cruelty, are following to torture us with DEW (injuring internal organs, causing chronic sleep deprivation, lowering ability to work and so on). They are acting openly, covered by the Police, as if we were sentenced legally to be exterminated in domestic torture chambers, by all responsible authorities involved, we in vain applied to, which are invested to work under law-and-order system of the country. There is no constitution and lack of democracy here, to seek protection and security, for people, which lost their relatives in Holocaust at WW2 and thus left alone to be finally executed in the modern killing machine of The Silent Holocaust in Israel.

After we complained to responsible authorities, that neighboring to our flat surveillance operators, hired by the Police, are torturing us by means of DEW including ionizing radiation and the torturers were not stopped, we began to perceive it as real terror. The State's counter-terror unit terrorizes our little family, using the weakest our hit point, that we can survive only in democratic society with its human rights, protected by law-and-order enforcement. Therefore we vote always for democracy and it is the only possible our determinant, as a reason for being picked out by rulers from already sailing Noah Arc. The reality is, that there must be a list (we are in) of citizens, planned to be exterminated, as expendables, unwanted or unusable for scheduled future of the country, with regime undoubtedly adverse totally to democracy we fight for.

They made us leave our home to find a quiet place to spend the night but all four tries (up to 50 miles away) failed, because the Police's operatives traced our new addresses at once and then operators followed to torture us arising acute burning pain sensation, depriving from sleep at nights, increasing blood pressure, heartbeat rate, evoking arrhythmia, headache, weakness, etc. So it was enough evidence for us to understand the threatening fact - we are pursued.

Then we tried to stop the operators via neighboring one floor under our flat, normative Ethiopian family. We explained to them, that they undoubtedly were exposed to same kinds of radiation, but lesser doses, than we have got. Their relative, an Ethiopian priest, tried as we think, to convince somebody to stop shaming their community inhuman acts and was shot down to death. His sister (the initiator of the try) had a weak heart and during one of serial night attacks upon members of our family (it was infra-sound, we assume), her's heart absorbed too much arrhythmia evoking radiation and she died. Both casualties were arranged as accidental. We took it as threatening our lives message from rulers of Ethiopian community - our deeply differing points of view on the cost of human's life. It made us feel ourselves entirely helpless here, surrounded by wild emptiness, named The Silent Holocaust, which swallows all civilized attempts to bring solutions democratic way, another than to kill - the latter is State's supported way.

It is the pattern of terror, which includes torture, permanent danger to be killed, pursuing, suffering from diseases induced by radiation, harassment, etc., all are aimed to destroy us and our little world. Additionally they organize vandalism acts against our property and psychological pressure at son's workplace, when early in the morning somebody says to him, that knows about son's sleepless nights (only operator or involved agent might know). Depriving our son of sleep, they are intentionally lowering his ability to mental work, leading to loss of the job - it is career sabotage, as a last step to make us outsiders of the society, keeping "silence of lambs". To the pattern belong refuse of both, to carry out retrospective biodosimetry tests and prophylactic medical treatment of our health's impairment after multiple oncogene radiological events, in spite of our letters to the Ministry of Health and family doctor's letters to other health authorities.

Medical advisers of the Police recommend, for performing torture and killings work, to train in operators character, resembling that of mission-oriented killers, which justify themselves that they are cleaning societal "garbage" (unwanted citizens) and generally do not become psychotic. But before hiring for operator's work members of patriarchal Ethiopian community, the Police must learn results of prof.Ratner's (the criminality investigation center of Haifa's university) research. Prof.Ratner and other authors write, that the main feature of the member of patriarchal community is confrontation and built-in aggressive, antisocial appearance. It means, that their criminals are potential patients with diagnose antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). We are witnesses, that being hired as operators of DEW, members of Ethiopian community quickly turn from their habitual ASPD to psychopaths, preoccupied with torture or even psychopaths torture-murderers, showing lack of guilt, not conforming to moral and legal norms. They are making themselves a charming persons, but are sterilizing gonads of their victims with ionizing rays like fascists. When torturing us by sleep deprivation at nights, evoking acute headache or heart's arrhythmia, we hear them right overhead joyfully springing. Clearly the Police created dangerous for people lives kind of operatives, being cases for prison-like psychiatry clinic only, but really are used for carrying out all "dirty", illegal Police's work.